How frequently should you check your keywords?
Wondering how often you should review your keyword rankings? We tackle this question
If you've built your SEO strategy already, and started to optimise your website, then you'll likely be checking your keyword rankings frequently to see the impact of the work you've done.
This can become quite addictive! We know as we've been in SEO for years, and it can be really enticing to check your rankings every day or even more.
However, we wouldn't recommend this due to two main reasons:
- Rankings fluctuate all the time! Google is constantly tinkering with it's algorithm and as a result websites move multiple times a day. You can't spot trends during a day, or even 2.
- It's a waste of your precious time! I'm guessing you're pretty busy, and checking every day or more isn't productive.
Due to Google's fluctuations we recommend you check your keywords every 3 days minimum, ideally weekly. This way you can easily spot trends over time that will really tell you how your SEO is going.