How to generate Social Media API keys
In this article, you will learn how to generate API keys for Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Flickr. These API keys will allow you or your client to link a social media account to an app. Either for an image gallery or as a link to the social media page.
To generate a Facebook API key you will first need a Facebook account.
You will then navigate to
At the top right of the page, you will see a 'get started' option. After which a pop up will appear asking you to log in or create a developer account. Once you have done this it will ask you how best you describe yourself, Select the 'developer' option.
You will then be directed to the following page:
Once you clicked on 'Facebook login' you will be sent to the following page:
Click on 'settings > basic' in the left-hand menu as highlighted above.
In this basic settings menu you will find the App ID and the app secret which you will copy and paste in your Eazi-Apps dashboard (under settings & API key):
Once you have added these to your app go back to the Facebook developers page.
Under the category option select 'Utility & Productivity':
Next, add the following privacy policy URL:
Once you have done this, save your changes and scroll down to 'add platform'
Once the pop up appears select 'website' and 'copy and paste' the following URL:
Once you have done this, on your top menu simply toggle the 'developer mode' to say 'live' and then you are done!
To get your API key for FlickrGo to (you must have a Yahoo account).
Click on 'request an API key'. The site will then ask you if the app is commercial or non-commercial. Select Non-commercial, at which point the website will ask you to enter your app name and description. Once this is done you will be provided with an API key and Secret code which you can copy and paste into your App dashboard.
To access your Twitter API key you will need to head to once you have logged in with the username you want to access the API keys for, click on create an app
You will be asked to apply for a developer account and then your reasons for signing up for a developer account.
Following this, you will be asked to go through the steps of a developer account agreement. Once you have done this you will be sent an email to confirm your email address, this will then allow you access to your API keys
To add Instagram, navigate back to your 'add product' page and select Instagram basic display:
Click on 'create new app'
Once you have done this you will see that 'Instagram basic display' is now added to your products on your left-hand menu. You will click on 'basic display'. Once you have done this you will scroll down to 'Testers'. Click on testers and enter the ID of the Instagram account you wish to link to your app:
They will then need to approve this request by going to, logging in and going to settings > Apps & websites > Tester invites.
Once they have accepted this, go back to your Instagram basic display page, on the Facebook developer site, and selecting "generate access token". It will then ask you to log into the Instagram account and select accept.
Once you have generated this token you can copy it into your app dashboard.