Places bulk importer
With the Places Bulk Importer you can now import Places in bulk using a .CSV or .JSON.
To access the bulk importer, you simply need to open the 'Modules' menu from your editor. Then click on 'Places Bulk Importer':
Once the page has opened you will be able to download the template for the CSV or JSON file:
As you can see from the above screenshot, you are able to use your Google API key to find and import data regarding your Places from Google.
Once you have downloaded the template file, you will find that some example information is prepopulated already:
If you wish to import the data using Google Places API, simply fill in the title and leave the other fields blank.
If you are adding the information manually, you can fill in each field. Images need to be uploaded as a link.
To upload an image as a link, you just need to go to 'Modules' in your menu again and click on 'Image Uploader':
Once you have uploaded your image, you will be given an image URL:
Once you have added the desired information to your template document, you can upload this document to the bulk importer module:
Once you have added your file just click 'Start import'.
Please remember to tick the 'Complete informations with Google Places API' if you wish for Google to import the information for you.
Once your upload is completed, you will find an 'Imported' category: