7. Notification Templates

The next step is to setup the Notifications by navigating to the ‘Notifications’ tab.

The Notification Types in the drop-down menu are:

  • Processing Notification: the message sent when the app owner accepts the order
  • Ping Notification: message sent (to app owner only) when there is a connection issue with the printer
  • Suspended Notification: message sent (to app owner only) if the order is suspended for any reason
  • Refund Notification: message sent to notify that the order was rejected as payment was not accepted (for PayPal payment only)
  • Order Status Notification: message sent to notify of the new order status
  • Preferred Delivery Time Notification: message sent if the app owner decides to change the delivery time chosen by the customer
  • SMS: active only if you have chosen SMS as the order receipt mode (see previous paragraphs)

At least one option must be ticked for each type of message above.

The text can be customized where required and the tags can also be used to pull in certain information into any message. Click the ‘Save’ button after completing all message settings.