
The Attendance feature allows app users to check in & check out daily for jobs. This allows app admins to see the total duration of check in, the location they have checked in and checked out from and manage absences if an end user has not checked in. 

Within the editor you will be able to:

  • Manage leave types
  • Manage or set up tracking system
  • Display all the employee daily reports
  • Display when employees apply for leave
  • Display monthly and yearly records for employees
  • Export check in and check outs, with duration and location tracking
  • Send messages to app users


Upon adding the Attendance feature to your app you will see the following settings page:

Within settings you will be able to set your date & time preferences, as well as be able to enable/disable holidays:

You will also need to set up your attendance methods & preferences:

You will then need to create your leave settings:

Here you can decide whether employees need to apply for leave.

Leave Type

Once you have added your preferred settings, you will need to configure your leave. 

You can do this by clicking on the 'Leave Type' tab: 

You can create multiple types of leave and edit or remove these moving forward:

Once you have set up your leave type, you will can move on to the next stage in the set up.

Working week

This is a simple stage in the set up process. Here you will set the days that are working days or non working days.


The next stage of set up, is to set up your holidays. You would use this section for setting out holiday dates, such as bank/public holidays etc. 

As you can see, in the screenshot above, you will need to give your holiday a name, as well as a date range. The description is optional but will help to organise these holidays.

Once you have added these you will be able to manage & delete holidays, as you can see at the bottom of the screenshot. 


Clicking on Attendance, will open a new tab which will allow you to track & monitor employee attendance: 

As you can see, employees will be tracked based on their location, start time & end times. The system will then calculate a total time so that you can track this. 

The start time will be based on the time an employee checks in, with the end time being their check out time. 


Under the Leaves section, you will be able to view & manage the leave that employees have booked: 

Once leave has been applied for, the app owner will be able to approve or reject this leave:

Depending on the option that is chosen, the status will then be changed to approved or rejected.


Finally, you can send and receive messages. To and from your app users. To do this, simply click on Messages:

This will open a new tab where you can view & reply to your messages:

To send a new message, simply click on 'New customer'. This will take you to a page where you can choose the app user you wish to message:

Once you have clicked 'Message Now', you will be taken to the previous screen with a new text box within which you can send your message:

Once you have completely configured your appointment module it should appear as shown: