Meeting Scheduler: General Setup

How do you access the Meeting Scheduler?

  1. Log in to Sales & Success Center
  2. Go to My Meetings

If this is your first time accessing this tab, you will need to complete the Meeting Scheduler setup:

  • Set your booking URL - This step allows you to customize your booking URL with a unique name. 
  • Connect calendar  - This is where you can connect your calendar (only available with Google Calendar) to check for conflicts and create events. 
  • Choose meeting app - Here, you can connect a meeting app to automatically populate a meeting link in the meeting invite. You can choose the invite to default to either Google Meet or Zoom.
    • If Zoom is selected as the default, the account will need to be connected which can be done by clicking open integration settings.
  • Set availability - Here, you can set the hours in which you are available. We base this on your timezone.

Note: You can change these options at any time by using the Meeting settings option.

Where can you find your booking link?

Once you have completed setup, you will have access to multiple meetings, all with specific lengths of time. By clicking the Copy link under the specific meeting type, the link can be copied directly to your clipboard and shared out. This will ensure that the meeting is booked for that specific length of time. 

You can also click the menu iconMenu_icon.png and click View event link to access the portal directly and book a meeting on your client's behalf. 

How does it work?

When a prospect visits your booking link, they'll be able to choose the date and time of their meeting. The available times are selected from your set availability. Prospects won't see times that are already booked as long as your Google Calendar is connected.

Note: The times shown will be in the user's local time.

After the meeting is scheduled, the scheduler and yourself will receive an email confirming the scheduled meeting along with the default video conferencing link. Here, either of them can reschedule, cancel, or add the meeting to their calendar.


Can I connect my Google Meet or Zoom account after they've scheduled a meeting?

Yes, you can connect at any time using the Meeting settings option. Please be aware, however, that any scheduled meetings will not be updated with a meeting link.

Where can I see their upcoming meetings?

Upcoming meetings are visible in the Sales & Success Center on the following tabs:

  • Dashboard
  • My Meetings > Your Scheduled Events

Where does Meeting Scheduler pull the default timezone from?

Meeting Scheduler determines the default based on the timezone that the web browser reports, which is most often derived from the timezone of the device. 

What if the default timezone is incorrect? 

Simply correct the timezone in either the device or browser, and return to your Meeting settings. Scroll to the availability settings, and you should see two timezones listed (the current setting and the new browser setting). Select the correct timezone and hit Save to update your Meeting Scheduler. 

When are email reminders sent out to meeting invitees?

Meeting reminders are sent out twice:

  • 24 hours before the meeting
  • 15 minutes before the meeting

Depending on the calendar (Gmail, Outlook, etc.), you may be able to add more email reminders to a meeting. 

Anything else?

If you or the prospect uses Google Calendar, the meeting will automatically be added to the calendar without the need to manually add it.

Can I remove the header from the booking portal?

To completely remove the header/logo from your booking portal, simply add hide_header=true to the end of your booking URL. If you already have a modifier at the end of your URL, you can add &hide_header=true instead and it will remove the header. 

What languages are supported by Meeting Scheduler?

Currently, Meeting Scheduler supports German, French, Canadian French, Dutch, Czech, and Spanish. 

Note: At this time, confirmation emails can not be translated and will remain in English. Meeting Titles will also remain in English unless the user has their account set to one of the languages listed above.