Meeting Scheduler comes to the Business Center

Meeting Scheduler is a free addition to Business Center. Users can set up booking links, sync meetings with Google Calendar, set their availability, and more.

It allows their clients to find times that work for both of them, removing much of the tedium of booking meetings.

Why does it matter?

Booking meetings can be tedious. First, you have to find a time that works well for all parties, then communicate back-and-forth to make sure nothing goes awry. There's software that helps with this, but many are expensive and don't tie into the software already in use.

And that doesn't even cover the overhead of sending out reminders and tracking existing appointments to make sure they aren't missed.

It is exhausting just thinking about it!

How does it work?

If you've used Meeting Scheduler in Sales & Success Center, you'll find Meeting Scheduler in Business Center works the same way.