PWA Push Sender

By utilising the PWA Push Sender Module (Modules > PWA Push Sender), you can send PWA push notifications to users who have accepted PWA push notifications.

Within the sender module, you will find the following input fields:

  • Push Title: This field allows you to specify the title that will appear with the message.
  • Push Message: Here, you can enter the content of the message.
  • Click Action URL: If desired, you can provide a specific URL that users will be directed to when they open the message.
  • Image: Optionally, you can include an image to accompany the message.

Once you have filled in all the required input fields, simply click "Send" to immediately send the notifications to your users.

Below, you will find a list of previously sent messages. If you wish to reuse a previous message, you can do so by clicking on the repeat icon next to the message. This will automatically populate the message fields with the content of the selected message, and all you need to do is click "Send" to send it again.

If necessary, messages can be deleted by clicking on the bin icon.

For additional settings and control over the number of displayed messages, you can manage these aspects through the PWA Push List module.